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There are three moments of truth during the shopping experience: reaching, stopping, and closing. All of the MOTs have the ability to transform a visitor into a shopper, and finally, into a consumer. The online shopping experience design should help the shopper conquer all of the barriers in order to achieve the final consumer conversion from a visitor. Some recommendations below for peapod to enhance active shopping experience:

  1. (Reaching) Website design should be clear and able to play the “starring role” in the first hand (attract customers to go inside): Huge promotion banners have an opportunity to grab shopper’s attention to entering the website and starting their shopping. It should be compelling enough, so that shopper feels urge to complete the sales process. Considering the same implementation in the retail store, we can always find the big deals in the entrance or registration interface. On Peapod’s website, we can design more limit offers directly on the login page instead of the main purchase page.

  2. (Stopping) Re-constructing segment tags to minimize shoppers’ angst emotion

  • Make the main shopping page easier to navigate. i.e., Directly guide customer to Browser Aisles.

  • Put the Browser Aisles tag in front of the express shopping modules. Even consider embedding the express shopping functions into the Browser Aisles to make the website compact.

  • Use words that are easy to understand, rather than “ETA, GREEN,” especially during the final closing process.

  • Add an emergency support button on the website to assist customers who are experiencing difficulty.

3. Shopping cart invisibility design to enhance holding power: Instead of having a transparent shopping cart, Peapod can embed the cart into the site. On one hand, it can save the page space; on the other hand, it can make a customer hold the products until checkout.

4. Coupons and promotion auto application:

Instead of manually printing or searching for the coupons online, Peapod can automatically apply the coupons into shopper’s cart. Consumers will then have confidence in the price. It will also enhance the final check-out experience, once they find that some of the products they bought were due to special offers of which they were not previously aware.

5. (Closing) Less barriers on total shopping value, add express checkout function to transform shoppers into customers ASAP: In Peapod’s case, the company can consider no minimum purchase requirement instead of the specific value requirement for delivery. e.g., If the order is less than a specific value, it can only be picked up. On the other hand, free delivery can be considered for special promotion tactics. Express check-out for return customers (with their authorization) will also be very helpful. One-stop check-out on an e-commerce website can save lots of orders in the final MOT.

To sum up, Peapod should still consider how to make a shopper navigate easily online. Attracting visitors through huge promotion before login; affecting shoppers’ time by clear website step to step navigation; saving shoppers’ money through auto coupons applied; converting shoppers to customers by free-shipping tactics and conquering the final barriers to simplify the check-out process. These are all essential suggestions which peapod can do to improve active shopping experience.



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